Customer Garden

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  1. Enter your personal information in the fields below.
  2. To attach your image, click the "Browse" button and find the .jpg image on your computer. Please ensure the image is in .jpg format, and no larger than 800 pixels wide.
  3. Please allow up to 3 days for your photo to appear in our Customer Gardens section!

Fresh cut flowers are only half of what we do at We also have a great selection of tulip bulbs, daffodil bulbs, hyacinth bulbs, and other specialty flower bulbs for spring blooming. Customers can place bulb orders from February to December for the biggest and best flower bulbs available anywhere - including Holland. The mild maritime climate of the Skagit Valley allows our bulbs an extended growing season to mature and grow to larger sizes - growth that is supplemented by the rich topsoil of the valley. Need proof? Check out the blooms that the bulbs produce at our RoozenGaarde display garden. After our fields of flowers have been topped, the bulbs are allowed to mature and multiply, and are then harvested. then selects the largest bulbs from each year's crop so you can grow the same beautiful tulips and daffodils in your own home gardens.

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